
I don’t give advice –
that’s not my job –
you wouldn’t listen to it, anyway –
you know, deep down,
what the truth is, what the answers are.

Be kind.

I’m not wise, I make mistakes,
the only thing I know
is that you might as well
take pleasure in small things –
there are so many of them –
pay attention as you pass.

Be kind.

I mess things up. I blurt
things out – I lose my temper,
I take this one bend really badly
every time. You’d think I’d learn.
I don’t have much advice, but
Eat your greens, and

just be kind.


So, Mish at dVerse asks us to write a poem of advice, maybe to our younger self. What have we learned over the years? What wisdom would we pass on? 

13 thoughts on “Advice

  1. Another perspective here and I appreciate it. This especially stood out for me…
    “the only thing I know
    is that you might as well
    take pleasure in small things –
    there are so many of them –”


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