These are the things they don’t tell us – prosery for dVerse.

These are the things they don’t tell us:

  • Where we’re going.
  • How long the journey is
  • What we’ll do when we get there

They tell us why we’re being sent. We are misfits, troublemakers, boat-rockers. We are not wanted here. We’re not criminals – oh no – and this is not punishment. This is opportunity.

Gossip, of course, is rampant. One group thinks we’re being trained for extreme cold. One groups thinks we’re being fed birth control pills. Pink haired Jaine thinks we’re going to be saving the planet.

Me? I listen. I watch. I notice who gets the best seat, who takes the first potato, who takes the last slice of cake. Who glances at their neighbour. Who laughs too much. Because I don’t know where we’re going, but I do know that when we get there, I’m going to survive. I’m going to thrive.

A 144 word flash fiction for Jade at dVerse. Prosery is a dVerse form – 144 words including a quotation from a poem. Today, the quotation is “These are the things they don’t tell us” and the poem is “Notes on Uvalde” by Girl du Jour. You can read the poem in full in Jade’s dVerse prompt. It’s immensely powerful and very moving.

20 thoughts on “These are the things they don’t tell us – prosery for dVerse.

  1. Sarah, my innards trembled as I read your poem. You speak for so many who have been on journeys towards such an unknown. I know this person will survive where so many others will not…


  2. WOW! GREAT story telling here.. These words “who takes the first potato” make it sound particularly dire and frightening. Truly, this could be a scene for a future sci-fi movie!


  3. Your words resonate with me and inspire me. Your message has been my life-long mantra. The only way to thrive in hell is become someone who runs the place.


  4. It’s a scary nightmare that seems oh too real. I enjoyed the sensitivity and pensiveness of the narrator. It allowed us to experience it all, but like the MC form our own opinions. I enjoyed this very much.


  5. I enjoyed this …no doubt the watchers, the thinkers, the helpers, the doers, the folks in tune with their worlds are going to be ok, at least we hope so.


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