
There was snow all around, but her houme was a haven for spring. Around the little cottage the grass was green, and the air was scented with primroses and bluebells. Birds flitted here and there, and petals floated down from the cherry trees, echoing the snow falling on the fields and hills all around.

Spring would come in the outside world, and for a few days her garden would be aligned with the land. Summer would leave it behind, and she would watch wistfully as wild roses blossomed in the hedgerows, and fledgelings left nests. Cherries ripened in the orchards, but not in her garden. Autumn brought blackberries, ripe apples, and leaves turning gold and amber, drifting down to form great carpets of colour, but her garden remained green and fresh and young.

She sighed, and turned away from the window. Would she have chosen eternal youth if she had known that it would be this lonely? She ran her fingers through her long, dark hair, and glanced at her reflection in the mirror. Her skin was smooth, her eyes were bright. She smiled.

Yes. She would make this choice again.


This is for Sue Vincents #writephoto prompt.Β 

18 thoughts on “Spring

  1. Ancient and creaky as I am now, if giving this choice in the spring of my life, I think I would have chosen it too.
    As I am a happy introvert, I don’t think I would experience loneliness. But would I experience the pain of this world, how we hurt it and ourselves – I know I would, and wonder if I could stand it forever…
    So maybe it is best to grow old after all…
    Have a wonderful Christmas/holiday!
    Anna :o]

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Interesting idea. I think she’s a bit creepy though.
    Spring is beautiful, but part of it’s wonder, I think, is that it comes after winter. I miss my young body, but I’ve had wonderful experiences since the spring of my life.


  3. Pingback: Spring – Sarah at fmmewritespoems #writephoto | Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

  4. Pingback: Photo prompt round-up – Thaw #writephoto | Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

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