Free gift in every packet – for dVerse

Free gift in every packet –

in that anger you spilled
over the kitchen floor, there is
the seed of change, and in

that weight of fear there
is some love, and in

that great, grey,
overwhelming grief, you’ll find

a memory of joy.


A quadrille for dVerse – with the word “free” as the index word. 

40 thoughts on “Free gift in every packet – for dVerse

    • It wasn’t what I expected to write. And in fact, I must confess I had forgotten the significance of the day until my kids reminded me at dinner tonight. They had been talking about the 9/11 attack at school, taking them through events. I was very heavily pregnant with my daughter back then. I really remember the dissonance between the life growing in me (really growing – I was enormous), and the destruction on the screen I was watching. Maybe I was holding that subconsciously somewhere today.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Maybe you were. But it is truly a wonderful poem. Thank you for sharing this with me. I was at work, high up in the air of a federal building! When it became evident of what had happened. We were all evacuated from the building. It was frightening. It was heartbreaking.


  1. This is absolutely stunning and beautiful. Seek hope in even the greyest of days and the most traumatic events. Resilience….the quest for survival. Humanity rising in the instants of tragedy and turmoil.


  2. A beautiful way to find a gift in every situation Sarah, this is where we always grow. A wonderful write and I especially love ‘in that great, grey, overwhelming grief, you’ll find a memory of joy’ xxx


  3. Pingback: Remembering | Fmme writes poems

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