Remember – a shadow sonnet

Think of me, then, fondly, as you think
how the wind blows through the trees, and how
pink flowers dance on the camellia, pink
flowers clinging on there, ’til those flowers

scatter across the lawn, as life is scattered.
Dream loving dreams of me, not empty dreams,
shattered by daybreak. I will not be shattered
free as a flower loosened by the wind is free

or a bird soaring on the wind’s turn, or
light falling on the water. I am light,
laughter and love: think of me with laughter,
bright laughter. Think of me with thoughts that brighten

dark, the way the moon shines through the stormy dark.
Sparks fly upwards, upwards. Let me be a spark.

A shadow sonnet for Laura at dVerse. I found this one extremely challenging. I find it hard to keep track of sonnets anyway, and the use of the same word at the beginning and end of the line nearly broke me. Anyhow, it’s done. Head over to dVerse to find more of these.

22 thoughts on “Remember – a shadow sonnet

  1. Wow–both poignant and soaring somehow, Sarah. I’m with you about sonnets, and I’m not sure I want to even attempt this one. So, I’m super impressed!
    (Today is Ingrid’s prompt though.)


  2. You rose to the challenge and carried it off and wrote some lovely lines.
    “Dream loving dreams of me, not empty dreams”
    I’m not even going to attempt it, wrote a straight sonnet instead. I’m not sure that the strain of beginning and ending with the same word adds anything but… strain.


  3. Great effort Sarah! I have been humbled by this shadow sonnet. Having a difficult time embracing it or enjoying it. My efforts are all sounding forced. Yours flows nicely and reads beautifully. Well written!


  4. It was a very difficult challenge to use the repetition is such a tight construct as a sonnet, which imo is difficult enough to write well – but you’ve really put the effort into this poem Sarah – and it works in a lovely, lyrical way. Kudos for rising to this brain-teasing challenge and offering us something that speaks with a certain lightness, to chase away the shadows and dark.


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