Storm II – for dVerse

Sometimes I dream of storms
and the violent washing away
of all this detritus – plastic bags,
furniture, paperwork
in ragged piles, all those
endless books, shoes,
smart shirts, faded jeans,
best china, glassware,

all flying
whirling, spiraling.

I dream of a wild wind raging.


Another one for dVerse. It’s quadrille night, and we are storming along for De. Go and check it out.

19 thoughts on “Storm II – for dVerse

  1. I’ve heard of people who’ve almost totally let everything go…always wonder how it ended up for them…your poem captures a real feeling whether acted on or not.


  2. I too long for clearance but your poem made me think of the great Pacific garbage patch – still you have some powerful dreams


  3. Like the Wizard of Oz tornado that picked up Dorothy and Toto but instead it would pick up all our “stuff.” The simplicity movement — back to basics — sometimes that sounds delicious!

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